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adtech tokyo

November 27th-28th,
2019 @ Tokyo International Forum
Contact Us
Daisuke Ueno 2
FamilyMart Co.,Ltd
Senior Officer

Joined Mitsubishi Corporation(the information industry group) after graduating from school.

During Mitsubishi Corporation years included the assignment to CVS business.

After joining the Boston Consulting Group, has moved to FamilyMart Co., Ltd in 2017.

In FamilyMart, has held position of the Head of Transformation Office, Director of Marketing Headquarters.

Since March 2019, has held the current position of Head of Digital Strategy Department,

and has been in charge of digital strategy based on company's digital costumer base including FamiPay.


Thu, 28th Nov 12:35-13:25

[NE2] How Distribution Measures Affect Branding


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