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adtech tokyo

November 27th-28th,
2019 @ Tokyo International Forum
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Wataru Wakame New
Adaptive, Inc. CDO(Chief Development Officer)
Exat, inc. CEO

He entered Asahi Bank (Resona Bank, Limited) in 1998. He joined Yahoo Japan Corporation in 2004.
He is in charge of marketing research at Yahoo. In 2009, the company partnered with FamilyMart Co. (Famiport) in the development of O2O service, and was involved in the development of ultra high traffic services with Softbank. Through these and other activities, the company promoted cooperation and marketing utilization between the Internet and the retail distribution industry.
At present, he also serves as the representative director of Exat Corporation.


Discussions on the development of measures that will become "three way satisfaction" for distribution, manufacturers, and media


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