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adtech tokyo

November 27th-28th,
2019 @ Tokyo International Forum
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Thu, 28th Nov 2019 [13:00-13:40]

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Discussions on the development of measures that will become "three way satisfaction" for distribution, manufacturers, and media

Digital advertising is definitely reaching consumers. It is strange that only GRP is considered in the allocation of shelves.
Why don't you judge the number of stock by the total number of reach including digital?
However, measuring all advertising effectiveness with a unified User-Id is hopeless from a privacy perspective.
This is because the task of "You have to consider that when the same person contacts you on different devices, each is counted as another person's access." still remains.
That's where Amazon's proprietary DPVR (Detail Page View) comes in, and how it attempts to visualize the volume of potential customers in the country by comparing it to survey data.
Is it possible for retailers to make a purchase decision based on "prospective customer volume"? Can accurate data be calculated?


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